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Monkeypox Testing and Information

With Monkeypox surging in the United States and the Atlanta area, Shepard Health has compiled information to better inform and keep you safe.

For testing information - click here

What is Monkeypox?


Monkeypox is a viral disease in the orthopoxviral family. It is similar to smallpox, and presents itself with rash and small lesions. 

It is a zoonotic pathogen--a virus or bacteria that transferred from an infected animal to a human. Normally pathogens that infect animals do not also infect humans, but zoonoses do. 









The Monkeypox virus is transmitted by symptomatic patients. Transmission occurs if there is close contact with Monkeypox-positive patient lesions, body fluids, respiratory secretions, or lesion crusts.


The virus can live on materials, linens, and surfaces for up to 15 days. All surfaces, items, and materials that come in contact with an infected patient should be handled with gloves and/or properly disinfected with an appropriate cleaning method.


The EPA categorizes Monkeypox as an EVP tier 1 pathogen. Surfaces that come in contact with a patient who is positive for Monkeypox should be decontaminated with the required level of decontaminate recommended by the EPA.

Example Disinfectants:

  • Lysol Spray EPA# 777-99 (10 minutes of contact time)

  • Lysol Wipes EPA #777-114 (10 minutes of contact time)

  • Lysol Mold and Mildew Remover [Bleach] (0.5-30 second contact time)

  • Sani-Cloth Wipes EPA# 9480-4 [Professional & Clinical Use Only] (2 minutes contact time)

Incubation, Symptoms and Onset:


Incubation is roughly 1-2 weeks. During this time a patient is not considered contagious. Patient is only contagious when they start developing any symptoms. The patient will usually present no symptoms and will feel “fine” during the incubation period.

The major symptom is a rash (lesions) developing, while other symptoms include:

  • Fever

  • Chills

  • Swollen Lymph nodes

  • Exhaustion

  • Muscle aches and pains (myalgia)

  • Headache

  • Respiratory symptoms (sore throat, nasal congestion, cough)

  • Purulent or bloody stools

  • Rectal bleeding

  • Rectal pain


In general people presenting Monkeypox will develop these listed symptoms with a rash, and if a rash is not present, it will form 1-4 days after onset of the flu-like symptoms. The patient may develop a rash without presenting any other symptoms as well. This rash can initially look like pimples or blisters and may be painful or itchy.

The rash may be located on or near genitals, anus, as well as other parts of the body including the hands, feet, legs, chest, face, or mouth.

Lesions often are described as painful until the healing phase. Lesions typically are firm or rubbery, well circumscribed, deep-seated, and often develop umbilication (resembles a dot on the top of the lesion).




After the lesions go through 4 phases they will scab and undergo desquamation (flake off).

Time frame for full illness including incubation is 2-4 weeks.

Once the rash resolves and all scabs have fallen off and a fresh layer of skin has formed, a patient is no longer contagious. Scarring may occur after the infection has resolved.  

What should I do if I think I have Monkeypox?

Patients who suspect or test positive for Monkeypox should self-isolate and abstain from any physical contact with other individuals. They should wear long clothing that covers the arms and legs. They should wear masks, especially if they present flu-like respiratory symptoms.


Stay home and away from others. Do not share a bed with anyone if they are experiencing symptoms.

Avoid pets. They pose a spread risk and could catch it. It has also been shown to spread to rodents.

When handling and changing linens, be sure to wear gloves and wash hands frequently to prevent contaminating surfaces.

Testing information:


Shepard Health has developed test for Monkeypox. Contact us for more information about Monkeypox testing.


More information?

Testing Info
Monkeypox Lesions.png
Monkeypox Stages.png

Are you looking for a specific test that we could offer, or for more information about Monkeypox, please reach out to us on our contact page. 

Or Email us

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